Sept. 30, 2024
Christian Womanhood Part 4

Christian Womanhood It involves cultivating selflessness She is warm Safe and trustworthy v. 11-12 Good - agreeable, pleasant, better (root is joyful and delightful) Illustration “You’re better than that” Don’t allow issues to turn you...
Christian Womanhood
- It involves cultivating selflessness
- She is warm
- Safe and trustworthy v. 11-12
- Good - agreeable, pleasant, better (root is joyful and delightful)
- Illustration “You’re better than that”
- Don’t allow issues to turn you into a hard, cold, sarcastic, eye-rolling wife)
- Financially - no need of spoil
- Personally - does good and not evil
- Be careful that the familiar does not become an irritation
- Deeply - “good and not evil”
- Can He share? When and how he wants to share?
- Romantically - intimately - no need of spoil, good and not evil
- Beware of hurts, bitterness, frustrations, struggles
- Talk them out, work it out, get help-out
- Don’t fizzle; make it sizzle
- Beware of hurts, bitterness, frustrations, struggles
- She is warm
- She is wise
- Think - every time
- Be kind - every time
- Psalm 19:14
- Psalm 141:3
- Eph. 4:32
- She wants him to win v. 23
- Follow him - treat him like the leader God made him to be Eph 5:22-24
- Promote him - with reverence and awe Eph 5:33
- Be counter cultural
Pro 31:28-31
So many women seek validation, praise, honor, status
They want the priceless label, but sell themselves short