1) Counsel Is Important
- Proverbs 11:14
- Lack of counsel = a fall
- Lots of counsel = protection
- Proverbs 12:15
- It is foolish to act on your own
- It is wise to heed counsel
- Proverbs 15:22
- Lack of counsel damages plans
- Lots of counsel established them
- Provers 20:5
- Counsel is available
- It has to be found "on purpose"
- Proverbs 20:15
- Greater undertakings demand greater counsel
- Greater undertakings are successful by counsel
2) Counsel Requires Teachability
- I should be willing to learn
- It is a heart matter
- It requires wisdom
- Bad counsel - can be tricky
- There is a way that seems right
- Always evaluate the source
- Always evaluate the ending
- Always evaluate the consensus
- Good counsel - has proof
- The end thereof
- Get counsel from those who have good fruit
- Dave Teis refused to write a book on parenting until his children were grown
- Don't learn parenting skills from a novice - a peer - a social media influencer
- We should be training our children to listen to counsel
- Proverbs 24:5
- Wisdom = strong
- Knowledge = strength
- This requires wise counsel
- This requires much counsel
- Proverbs 27:9 Friendship is sweet when it includes hearty counsel
- Where do you find good counsel?
- Daily devotions - the Bible
- Prayer for wisdom
- Hearing the preaching of God's Word
- Studying good books written by good authors and published by respected publishers
- Learning from successful people
- We have talked many times to successful parents to ask for advice
- We schedule talks with successful parents
- Study history...if something has worked for a millennium, pull from that
Never face difficult situations without much counsel
Consider giving a trusted counselor veto power during times of great difficulty