Feb. 17, 2025
Keeping The Bedroom Alive and Fresh Part 2

3. Try to meet each other’s needs Intimacy = closeness, love, gentle care A spouse is called by God to meet the other’s needs I Corinthians 7:1-5 The husband has sexual needs that can only be met by the wife The wife has sexual needs...
3. Try to meet each other’s needs
- Intimacy = closeness, love, gentle care
- A spouse is called by God to meet the other’s needs
- I Corinthians 7:1-5
- The husband has sexual needs that can only be met by the wife
- The wife has sexual needs that can only be met by the husband
- We are to fulfill those needs
- We are not to allow Satan to tempt us to fulfill those needs elsewhere
- We are only to refrain with mutual agreement for a short time
- I Corinthians 7:1-5
- Failure here always has negative results:
- Damages intimacy
- Opens doors for the enemy
- Damages the relationship
- Sins against God
4. Trust God about children (take steps to delay pregancy)
- It is wonderful to have children
- It is right to want children
- It is ok just to have children
- It is ok to wisely plan them
5. Take time to flirt and flourish
- Use Words
- Write Notes
- Send Texts
- Buy and Wear Lingerie
- Use Massage oil
6. Be practical
- Use Lubrication
- Make love when you can
- Go to bed earlier
7. Treat challenges medically where it is needed
- ED - erectile dysfunction
- Intimacy anorexia
- Pain
- Etc.