Life and Family Lessons In Proverbs | Proverbs 2 Part 4

Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs. This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2. This episode discussed the issue of imorality. Immorality is a broad word that includes everything from pornography to pre-marital sex to...
Dave & Bethlie continue the series on Proverbs. This week they continue in Proverbs chapter 2.
This episode discussed the issue of imorality.
Immorality is a broad word that includes everything from pornography to pre-marital sex to homosexuality to adultery. It is anything outside of the clear boundaries set for us by God in His Word.
The point Solomon is making....
He is communicating and commanding and commending truth to his son.
We must communicate
We must command
We must commend
Solomon had a goal to convince his son to choose wisdom and apply understanding. he want to convince his son to pursue the Lord so he will have wisdom, knowledge,, and understanding. He wants to help his son have God's blessings.