3. Discern
- Your spouse’s needs or desires
- Insecurity may mean your spouse has a need you can meet
- Sexually your spouse may need more (or less)
- The issue here is whether or not you are focused on your need or your spouse’s need
- Each of us should be willing to give of ourselves for the sexual needs of our spouse
- Just practically
- Maybe he has a hobby that you can attempt to enjoy
- Maybe she like Hallmark and you can attempt to watch
- Maybe your spouse needs more encouragement, or time, or some such . . .
- Little foxes that spoil the vine
- Hurts
- Conflicts
- Busyness
- How to handle conflicts
- What can you do to overcome conflicts
- What are you doing wrong in overcoming conflicts
- Staying in a cycle that isn’t working is silly
- Get counsel
- Read some books
- Talk and listen
- How to handle each season of life
4. Diminish the negatives
- Focus on 10% of negatives and you cannot see the 90% positives
5. Different (do something different)
- Shake things up occassionally
- Eat at a different restaurant
- Take a “talked about” trip
- Splurge
6. Delight in one another