Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom Part 3

Join Dave and Bethlie as they close this 3 part series on Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom out of Proverbs 8 and 9. Proverbs 8:32 What is the value of wisdom? 4. It brings blessings to our lives Proverbs 8:32-36 5. Reminds us that...
Join Dave and Bethlie as they close this 3 part series on Teaching Your Children To Embrace Wisdom out of Proverbs 8 and 9.
Proverbs 8:32
What is the value of wisdom?
(Find point 1-3 in Episode 212)
4. It brings blessings to our lives Proverbs 8:32-36
5. Reminds us that God and wisdom are ETERNALLY connected (vs. 22-31)
- You don't have one without the other
- Folly damages and destroys
- Wisdom builds and strengthens and lasts
Proverbs 9
Wisdom is better than folly
Wisdom takes time
- (vs. 1) She has builded her house
- Dads and moms must recognize this
- It takes a lot of time to train our children for success in life
- It takes a lot of time to prepare our children for success in life
Wisdom takes investment
- (vs. 4) Come live with me
- Learn from me
- Watch me and follow my lead
- (vs. 5) Come eat at my table
- Receive waht I offer you
- Let's talk and linger
- Wisdom takes decisions
- Forsake foolishness and live
- Go in the way of understanding
- (vs. 9) Wisdom takes learning
- (vs. 10) Wisdom takes God
- (vs. 4) Come live with me
Wisdom takes decisions
- Forsake foolishness and live
- Go in the way of understanding
Wisdom takes learning (vs. 9)
Wisdom takes God (vs. 10)
Folly is a horrible way to live
- Foolish woman is simple and knows nothing (vs. 13)
- Foolish woman is offering an alternative way to live
- Two choices on the shelf - pleaweing God or pleasing self
- Two choices in chapter 9 - the life of wisdom or the life of folly
- (vs. 14-16) Notice the offer
- (vs. 17) Notice the absurdity
- (vs. 18) Noitce the result
- This is life or death
- Galations 6:7-9
- Deuteronomy 28-30 I set before you life or death, blessing or cursing etc.