March 9, 2025

Thoughts for Singles about Finding a Spouse Part 1

Thoughts for Singles about Finding a Spouse Part 1

Thoughts for Singles about Finding a Spouse Think Wisely about Marriage Genesis 2 - not good for the man to be alone Hebrews 13:4 - marriage is honorable Honorable means valuable; of great price; precious (minerals or diamonds) Brad Wilcox,...

Thoughts for Singles about Finding a Spouse

  1. Think Wisely about Marriage
    1. Genesis 2 - not good for the man to be alone
    2. Hebrews 13:4 - marriage is honorable
      1. Honorable means valuable; of great price; precious (minerals or diamonds)
    3. Brad Wilcox, professor of Sociology at U of Virginia
    4. Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families; and Save Civilization
    5. Marriage binds men to the children they father. It stabilizes the romantic relationships of adults and the family lives of children. It bridges the gender divide between men and women; endows the lives of women and especially men with a deeper sense of meaning, direction, and solidarity; and, above all, provides the ideal context for the bearing and rearing of children.
    6. Marriage is certainly the “keystone institution” for our nation. At the civilizational level, this institution has, across the course of American history, promoted prosperity and reduced the risk of widespread poverty at both the state and national levels. It has reinforced the rule of law and minimized the risk of crime and mass disorder. It has boosted the physical health and emotional well-being of the general population. It has maximized the odds that children across the country are happy, healthy, and well prepared to take their place as virtuous citizens in our civilization. For all these reasons, married families maximize the odds that ordinary men, women, and children succeed at that quintessential American quest, “the pursuit of happiness.”
    7. Stay away from those who are unBiblical
        1. One of the most influential leaders for the young men of our country
        2. Wedlock is designed to control the peasantry. A King must reproduce at any cost . . .
      1. Andrew Tate has 10.7 million followers on X (Twitter)
      2. Guard your heart so that you think wisely and Biblically

2. Be practical in your approach

               1.  Be open to dating