We Must Emphasize Training
Proverbs 22:6
Recap of our study through Proverbs:
Chapters 1-9 are about his training of his own son.
Chapters 10-31 contain truth about areas we should emphasize.
5 Reasons It Is Right To Emphasize Training
It is a word from Solomon, - known for His God-given wisdom. It is the Word of God by the Holy Spirit and it is therefore profitable for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. It is based on the truth of sowing and reaping. It is simply a summary of God's plan for the home and family. It makes sense. The Choices We Have As Parents
To train or not to train To teach or not to teach To correct or not to correct To love or not to love To impart wisdom or to leave to folly To prepare for adulthood or to relegate to failure To succeed or to fail